日行八万是谁?我在深圳登山时又没有见过他?我的又一登山偶像。可不是呕吐的对象。 一帅锅 我豪情万丈,日行八万——厘米!
CALL ME : 大万——个子应比你高大
或 : 老万——相信比你多吃几斤盐。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-23 11:50:45编辑过]
U are wrong.
你错了,沤不是望文生义。I 是在行走山水的website,建有个gg or mm (I can't remember this) 说涅climbed several peaks of Snow Mountain--each more than 7000 meters with a very heavy backpack. and I read what 苏樱's message, it seems that U are an old friend or Cao dui. but unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to meet U when I was in SZ. U should be excited that I put U to the namelist that I idolize together with Caodui and 十一郎。 I don't know that if U go to Tibet next year or not, I planed to go next Oct. Hope I can climb with U all. 以下是引用linda在2003-10-23 12:38:10的发言:U are wrong
What a beautiful mistake ! ---but i like it.
Hi, linda. i am glad to hear your appreclation to me, but i do not able to support this honour that you idolize me. wish i were wrong. wish i could do that, which climbed several peaks of snow mountain--each more than 7000 meters with a very heavy backpack, as u said. what a pity, it's not be true . i can only watch snow mountain but climbing it now.
in fact, becource our team leader 桑珠小莉 u knew took part in 西藏登山节 this year. we all pay close attention to her. so, u see. i quoted a 十一郎's article it's about 西藏登山节 into 穿越有界. unless somebody play a joke on me, maybe you'v got wrong message from netware .
i do not know if i say it clearly. if u are not understand, you can find out answer from 桑珠小莉,乖乖 or other bushwalker person.
by the way, as 桑珠小莉 back home, i will want her to deleat that article i quoted at once. it course misconception.
as tibet, that's my dream. but i have never been there by now. hope i can realize my dream in one day. thanks for your invitation, looking for and exciting that we can climb mountain togeter. as plan about next year, i can not say any words now. but we can keep contaction each other. anyway, we have become friend, right?
at last, my english is inferior , hope you correct them and teach me , OK?
thanks again !
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-24 9:46:00编辑过]